User Guide¶
Welcome to the ORAS Operator user guide! If you come here, we are assuming you have a cluster with the ORAS Operator installed and are interested to submit your own custom resource to create an OrasCache, or that someone has already done it for you. If you are a developer wanting to work on new functionality or features, see our Developer Guides instead.
An OrasCache deploys an OCI Registry as Storage (ORAS) registry. If you are familiar with Docker and container registries, the idea is similar. Instead of pushing and pulling layers that are assembled into Docker images, we can instead push and pull artifacts. Use cases for the ORAS operator might include (but are not limited to):
I am running experiments that save a ton of small files and I want a place to save them to get at the end.
I am running a workflow that starts with data from a large storage, and I want to persist intermediate workflow files (but not clutter up the original source)
I am saving data and I don’t feel like messing with storage or a local host mount (yuck)
Arguably if this works, it should also work to push to an actual (non cluster-based) OCI registry. This would be for use cases when you want whatever you are doing to be persisted longer (and maybe shared with collaborators or something like that). This case would be non-ephemeral and require credentials, and arguably you could still use oras to move the artifact between the local temporary service and the final registry.
Quick Install¶
This works best for production Kubernetes clusters, and you can start with creating a Kind cluster:
kind create cluster
and then downloading the latest ORAS Operator yaml config, and applying it.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Note that from the repository, this config is generated with:
$ make build-config
and then saved to the main branch where you retrieve it from.
Helm Install¶
We optionally provide an install with helm, which you can do either from the charts in the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd oras-operator
$ helm install ./chart
Or directly from GitHub packages (an OCI registry):
# helm prior to v3.8.0
$ helm pull oci://
And install!
$ helm install chart-0.1.0.tgz
NAME: oras-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 24 18:36:18 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
The Oras Operator works by way of deploying an ORAS (OCI Registry as Storage) Registry to a namespace, and then the workflow tool can add annotations to pods or jobs to control how artifacts are cached (retrieved and saved for subsequent steps). In that most workflow tools understand inputs and outputs and the DAG, this should be feasible to do. Here are example annotations for pods and jobs, first a pod:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: hello-world-1
# the name of the cache for the workflow, the name from oras.yaml orascache-sample
# This is how to ask for more than one input to be extracted to the same place dinosaur/hello-world:input dinosaur/hello-world:output
# Print all final settings in the log "true"
The above is very simplistic, and will expect to prepare the workspace (the working directory or “input-path” annotation of the application container) with an extraction of the “input-uri” annotation. Here is an example with a job:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: breakfast
# the name of the cache for the workflow, the name from oras.yaml orascache-sample
# The URI for the workflow artifact output. Tag is important here - a steo
# in a dag would need to also include input-uri and push/pull based on dag dinosaur/hello-world:pancakes
# Dummy example to use hello-world.txt touched in working directory pancakes.txt
# Pipe output to this path pancakes.txt
# Print all final settings in the log "true"
- name: breakfast
image: perl:5.34.0
command: [echo, blueberry]
restartPolicy: Never
Note that the annotation above is on the level of the job, and will be carried forward to edit the JobTemplateSpec (without adding the annotations again). We do this to ensure that the operator isn’t triggered twice. E.g., if you were to put the annotations on the Pod template spec, it might trigger adding the sidecar once, first for the job, and then for the underlying pod(s) it creates. Annotations and their defaults include:
Name | Description | Required | List | Default |
input-path | The path in the container that any requested archive is expected to be extracted to | false | false | the working directory of the application container |
output-path | The output path in the container to save files | false | false | the working directory of the application container |
output-pipe | Pipe the output of your command into this file | false | false | unset |
input-uri | The input unique resource identifier for the registry step, including repository, name, and tag | false | true | NA will be used if not defined, meaning the step has no inputs |
output-uri | The output unique resource identifier for the registry step, including repository, name, and tag | false | false | NA will be used if not defined, meaning the step has no outputs |
oras-cache | The name of the sidecar orchestrator | false | false | oras |
oras-container | The container with oras to run for the service | false | false | |
registry | A custom remote registry URI for all containers | false | false | unset |
oras-env | A secret in the same namespace to add to the sidecar | false | false | unset |
container | The name of the launcher container | false | false | assumes the first container found requires the launcher |
entrypoint | The https address of the application entrypoint to wget | false | false | |
oras-entrypoint | The https address of the oras cache sidecar entrypoint to wget | false | false | |
debug | Print all discovered settings in the operator log | false | false | "false" |
unpack | Unpack a directory compressed to .tar.gz | false | false | "true" |
There should not be a need to change the oras-cache (sidecar container) unless for some reason you have another container in the pod also called oras. It is exposed for this rare case. More details about specific annotations are provided below.
By default, the URIs that are provided are prefixed with the registry that the ORAS Operator has deployed on the same cluster. However, if registry is supplied,
it is assumed to be used for the entire job or pod definition, and this registry is used instead. If you absolutely don’t need the local registry you can
set “deploy” to false in the operator CRD (and it will be skipped). Also note that if you are pushing to a remote registry, you’ll need to provide
the name of a secret with your login and password via oras-env
, discussed next.
This should be the name of a secret in the same namespace as your pod or job that has one or more secrets to add to the environment. As an example to create such a secret:
kubectl create secret generic oras-env --from-literal="ORAS_USER=${ORAS_USER}" --from-literal="ORAS_PUSH_PASS=${ORAS_PASS}" --from-literal="ORAS_PULL_PASS=${ORAS_PASS}"
The most common use case here is to provide credentials for pushing or pulling to a remote registry (when deploy is false). We provide the same credential twice for pull and push because it could be the case that you only want to add for one or the other, and in fact adding to a command that doesn’t require it could result in an error. The secret must be in the same namespace as your job or pod.
Multiple input-uri¶
Note that when List is true, this means the annotation can be provided as a list, and more than one value can be added with the pattern <prefix>/<field>_<count>
. Currently the only supported list field is input-uri
, anticipating that multiple parent steps might feed into one child step. Here is an example with multiple input uris.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: hello-world-3
# the name of the cache for the workflow, the name from oras.yaml orascache-sample
# This is how to ask for more than one input to be extracted to the same place dinosaur/hello-world:one dinosaur/hello-world:two
# Print all final settings in the log "true"
Currently not supported (but will be soon / if needed):
More than one launcher container in a pod
Note that while the above can be set manually, the expectation is that a workflow tool will do it. For each of the input-path
and output-path
we recommend providing
specific files or directories, and note that if one is not set we use the working directory, which (if this is the root of the container) will result in an error.
In the case that no output-path is specified, we assume there is nothing to copy (and you should not set output-uri).
Getting Started¶
You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster to run against. You can use KIND to get a local cluster for testing, or run against a remote cluster.
Note: Your controller will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info
shows). Create the cluster:
kind create cluster
Install the operator and this include cert-manager for webhook certificates:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
# same as...
make test-deploy
kubectl apply -f examples/dist/oras-operator-dev.yaml
See logs:
kubectl logs -n oras-operator-system oras-operator-controller-manager-ff66845dd-5299h
You can then try one of the examples in the repository. A brief description of each is provided here, and likely we will add more detail as we develop them.
registry: demonstrates interaction with a remote registry and disable of a local (namespaced) deployment
tests/registry: a basic example of creating an ORAS registry cache
tests/hello-world: Writing one “hello-world” output and saving to an ORAS registry cache
workflows/metrics: Running two Metrics Operator apps/metrics (LAMMPS and HWLOC) and getting results for each!