The following settings can be found in your settings.yml. Remember that you can either edit this file directly, e.g.,
$ vim fluxcloud/settings.yml
$ flux-cloud config edit
Or you can use the config command to set or get values.
$ flux-cloud config get default_cloud
default_cloud google
$ flux-cloud config get google:project
google:project unset
$ flux-cloud config set google:project dinosaur
Updated google:project to be dinosaur
$ flux-cloud config get google:project
google:project dinosaur
The following settings are available for Flux Cloud
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
clouds | list | List of clouds active | "google" is currently the only supported | true |
config_editor | string | The default executable name to edit with | vim | true |
default_cloud | string | The default cloud to use | true | |
operator | object | A group of settings for the operator | NA | true |
operator.repository | string | The operator repository to install from | flux-framework/flux-operator | true |
operator.branch | string | The branch to install from | main | true |
minicluster | object | A group of settings for the Flux MiniCluster | NA | true | | string | A default name for your minicluster if not set in the experiment | flux-sample | true |
minicluster.namespace | string | A default namespace for your minicluster | flux-operator | true |
kubernetes | object | A group of settings for the Kubernetes cluster | NA | true |
kubernetes.version | string | The version of Kubernetes to use | 1.23 | true |
object | A group of settings for Google Cloud GKE | NA | true | | | string | The default zone to use in Google Cloud | us-central1-a | true |
google.machine | string | The default machine to use | n2-standard-1 | true |
google.project | string | The default google project to use | unset | true |
aws | object | A group of settings for Amazon EKS | NA | true |
aws.region | string | The default region to use in Amazon EKS | us-east1 | true |
aws.machine | string | The default machine to use | m5.large | true |
aws.ssh_key | string | If ssh access is desired, provide an ssh key you've generated | unset | false |
For the above, you’ll notice the only setting you really need to define (per the user guide) is your Google Cloud project. AWS gets everything from the environment.
Last update:
Sep 02, 2023